选择在爱尔兰留学,你将体验到一个植根于爱尔兰历史的不断发展的全球商业中心, 创造性的艺术, 讲故事, 和文化. 作为欧洲最年轻的国家, 从众多的大学到不断增长的企业,爱尔兰拥有蓬勃发展的学生和年轻的专业人士, and is known as the technology capitol of Europe. 通过东航卡帕在首都都柏林或古雅的沿海港口城市戈尔韦的学习和全球宝博体育项目之一,参与爱尔兰的活力和多样性.
东航卡帕都柏林中心在都柏林市中心提供跨学科教育, with courses in a range of business and liberal arts subjects. You’ll enjoy an invaluable opportunity t...
"夏天 '23, I traveled to 爱尔兰都柏林 with 东航卡帕. I found the staff both pre-departure and onsite very helpful. They were quick with responses and assisting in any worries that I had. We had two 东航卡帕 planned fun trips that let gave us a go..."
"My time abroad with 东航卡帕 were some of the best moments of my life. Staff was very welcoming and had 3 amazing excursions planned, 他们使之成为现实, 与我们建立有意义的联系. From a welcome dinner to spending a weekend in the 亚兰岛 ..."
"My study abroad through 东航卡帕 in 都柏林 was amazing. 东航卡帕 staff made the whole application process so easy and stress-free. The staff and instructors at my program were the most amazing people ever. They constantly helped in our classes and re..."
"My program took place in Carraroe, 爱尔兰, near 高威. This program was the perfect fit because of several new experiences. 我沉浸在农村的生活方式中, 还有新的语言和文化, 并结识了很多人. 东航卡帕..."
“我爱戈尔韦, it was a really lively place with an amazing local music scene, 夜生活, 有趣的文化. 我很感激作为我的东航卡帕项目的一部分,在我最初适应戈尔韦和thro的过程中,我得到了指导和帮助..."
都柏林城堡是爱尔兰历史和建筑的象征,其历史可以追溯到13世纪. Once a Viking fortress and later the seat of British rule in 爱尔兰, it's now a government complex and tourist attraction. Highlights include the State Apartments, Chapel Royal, and the Dubh Linn Gardens.
莫赫悬崖, 位于爱尔兰西海岸, rise dramatically from the Atlantic Ocean to heights of 700 feet. 提供令人叹为观止的景色, they stretch for nearly 9 miles and are home to a diverse range of seabirds. A visit here is an encounter with 爱尔兰's rugged natural beauty.
The 嘉里环 is a scenic drive through County 克里, 爱尔兰, showcasing some of the country's most stunning landscapes. From rolling hills and rugged coastline to charming villages and ancient ruins, it's a journey through the heart of 爱尔兰's natural and cultural heritage.
北爱尔兰的巨人堤是一个由大约40条堤组成的自然奇观,000个互锁的玄武岩柱, formed by volcanic activity 60 million years ago. This UNESCO World Heritage site is steeped in myth and legend, offering breathtaking coastal views and geological marvels.
东航卡帕都柏林中心在都柏林市中心提供跨学科教育, with courses in a range of business and liberal arts subjects. 您将享受一个宝贵的机会,积极提高你的全球竞争力,而沉浸在一个城市,传统的凯尔特世界和现代时代毫不费力地融合.
东航卡帕都柏林中心目前位于都柏林尚普兰学院校园内. 我们的新研究中心将位于Iveagh Court,将于2025年晚些时候开放:敬请期待!
Designed to build on the natural strengths of the city’s history, 文化, 商业环境, 东航卡帕都柏林中心的课程侧重于爱尔兰的国际商业和文化. Each course incorporates multiple activities, designed to take the curriculum out of the classroom and into the community. 这些活动可能包括参观博物馆, 议会, 本地及国际企业, and first-hand encounters with locals through interviews, 社会活动, 体育赛事. You’re encouraged to apply the lessons learned in class to real-life, 在课堂上研究的科目与所在社区的日常生活之间建立联系. 这个正在进行的, 活跃的, 和反思性的学习结构不仅可以帮助你更好地了解都柏林和当代爱尔兰的历史和社会, 但帮助你发展国际文化流畅性所需的沟通和有效运作在日益全球化的世界.
东航卡帕都柏林中心的使命不仅仅是为您提供了解爱尔兰的工具和方向, but also to reflect and articulate critically on your own national, 文化和社会认同. 东航卡帕都柏林中心的教师通过参与生动的辩论来促进智力和文化的发展, 多媒体研究报告, 还有圆桌讨论. 有目的的小型学习环境提供灵活性,以适应个别学生的需求和学习风格.
东航卡帕都柏林中心的课程由纽黑文大学(UNH)转录。, 东航卡帕的记录学院.
在东航卡帕都柏林中心教授的课程是与, 并且得到了, 纽黑文大学(UNH). In addition, faculty appointments have been approved by UNH. After the successful completion of a session at the 东航卡帕 都柏林 Center, you will receive credit for your work from UNH. 位于康涅狄格州, the 纽黑文大学 is a student-focused, 由新英格兰高等教育委员会(NECHE)完全认可的综合性大学. 东航卡帕和UNH之间的协议遵循了国外教育最佳实践的最高标准,并满足了大学机构认证机构的严格要求, 使在东航卡帕都柏林中心获得的学分很容易转移到美国认可的机构. 要了解更多关于UNH作为东航卡帕记录学院的服务,请联系 Academics@ceacapa.com.
The following grading scale is in use for 东航卡帕 center-delivered syllabi:
描述符 | α | 数字 | 平均绩点 | 要求/期望 |
杰出的 (高的区别) |
A | 93+ | 4.0 | Maximum grade: In addition to description for grade "A-", 参与者表现出对材料的详细理解,并表现出独立分析能力. 这意味着从不同的角度对一个问题提出质疑,并以客观的方式评估回应的能力. |
优秀的 (区别) |
A- | 90 - 92.99 | 3.7 | 参与者表现出对教科书/课堂讲义/课堂笔记之外的文学的理解, and the work shows a high level of independent thought, presents informed and insightful discussion, and demonstrates a well-developed capacity for evaluation. |
很好 (高信贷) |
B+ | 87 - 89.99 | 3.3 | Shows evidence of a capacity to generalize from the taught content, 或者文学作品中的材料, or from class lectures in an informed manner. 也, 这项工作展示了将个人反思融入讨论和对一系列不同观点的欣赏的能力. |
好 (信贷) |
B | 83 - 86.99 | 3.0 | 该作品组织良好,包含连贯或逻辑的论证和展示. |
好 (信贷) |
B- | 80 - 82.99 | 2.7 | Participant shows understanding of literature beyond the textbook and/or notes, and there is evidence of additional reading. |
平均 (好) |
C+ | 77 - 79.99 | 2.3 | 这项工作展示了将研究整合到讨论中的能力,以及对一系列理论观点的批判性欣赏. 也, 这项工作展示了对问题及其理论含义的清晰理解,并展示了额外阅读的证据. |
足够的 (通过) |
C | 73 - 76.99 | 2.0 | 对课本和笔记中的内容有清晰的理解和一定的洞察力, 但不能超越. 理解材料的不足可以通过与主题相关的独立思考和努力来弥补. |
低于平均水平 (边缘) |
C- | 70 - 72.99 | 1.7 | Shows some understanding of the material in the textbook and notes. 上述任何缺陷都可以通过与主题相关的独立思考证据来弥补. |
不充分的 (边缘失败) |
D+ | 67 - 69.99 | 1.3 | 对课本和笔记中的内容没有清晰的理解或深刻的见解. |
可怜的 (失败) |
D | 60 - 66.99 | 1.0 | 除以上为D+外, participant has not shown interest or engagement in the class work or study. |
可怜的 (失败) |
F | <60 | 0 | Shows little or no understanding of any of the material. |